Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots

Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots

Tesla Education 15 Aug, 2020 5:09 am

AI – Robotics workshop with Vina Robots took place successfully.

August 14th, 2020 – Tesla Edu Group was glad to welcome our valued parents and students from all grades of Tesla School to join our workshop. We were also sincerely thankful for your precious time and participation. Today was a great opportunity for all of us to experience, explore, and actively discuss the strengths and features of AI – Robotics.

Through this workshop – which aims to provide the experience of AI Robotics, parents and children can have access to high-tech robots, independently program as well as control them, and unleash creativity.

– To our valued parents and students, Tesla would like to wholeheartedly thank you and see you again in the next activities. Let’s take a look back at our unforgettable moments at Tesla AI – Robotics Festival with the great accompany of Vina Robots.

+++ According to experts, early access to artificial intelligence technology will provide children a multi-knowledge foundation in Programming, STEM (Science – Technology – Engineering – Maths), integration of English and programming knowledge, etc.

+++ The AI – Robotics curriculum at Tesla will help students to have more interest in learning; maximize brain power; develop logical and creative thinking; enhance critical thinking, problem-solving skill, teamwork ability, communication; actively explore and master the technology of this digital technology era.

Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
Tesla Workshop | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Robotics festival with VINA Robots
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