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The Integrated International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme at Tesla Education

Tesla Education 10 Aug, 2022 10:31 am

With the advantage of a comprehensive education, many international schools in Ho Chi Minh City has chosen to teach the IB programme or apply the IB framework to its educational programme. 

The Integrated International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme at Tesla Education  

In Tan Binh District (HCMC), Tesla Education is the only school that offers the Integrated International Baccalaureate Programme and has demonstrated a close combination of the rigorous standards of the IB Organization with the National Curriculum. We aim to nurture students to become global citizens with an international education background while still retaining their Vietnamese language and culture. The students will possess outstanding advantages in both academic knowledge and core skills when joining the international environment.  

“Eastern Values, Western Ideas” is the educational philosophy being applied at Tesla Education. Based on the knowledge base of the National Curriculum, the focus of the international education program at the school is on learning English.

Trường Tesla giảng dạy chương trình Tú tài Quốc tế IB
Tesla Education with the Integrated International Baccalaureate Programme

How do Tesla students study language?  

In terms of language teaching and learning methods, Mr. Tim Vanderpool – Tesla Education Head of School said: “At PYP and MYP, children enjoy an additional bilingual approach through the development of English in parallel with Vietnamese, instead of completely replacing the mother tongue with English. This is the most effective method for students to achieve true multilingualism. As the Diploma Programme (DP) is highly challenging and is taught entirely in English, the school is committed to students achieving the level of English required to pass the final assessment in Grade 12″.  

An interesting thing about the International Baccalaureate programme is that the students’ mother tongue is highly respected. The development of Vietnamese language and culture as Tesla Education is doing will preserve the national identity of the students on the path of international integration. Comprehensive development of individuals with a passion for lifelong learning is also the foundation of the IB curriculum framework when nurturing a generation of students who are independent, critical-thinking, collaborative, and creative in their approach to problem solving.  

Students will have many opportunities to experience both in the classroom and in real social environments to recognise their own capabilities. They are also inspired to constantly improve themselves and pursue their passions to succeed. The qualities of a leader such as problem-solving skills, communication ability, risk-taking personality and flexible adaptation, etc. are gradually formed. What’s important is that at Tesla Education, the above skills are cultivated in students right from Primary School (PYP), creating a solid foundation for them to move on to higher education levels.

The Integrated International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme at Tesla Education
Students of Tesla Education to experience both in the classroom and in real life

Why choose IB at Tesla Education?

Tesla students upon graduation will receive the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and/or the National Curriculum Diploma. Possessing an internationally recognised IB Diploma means that students will have a significant advantage to leading universities in the world. Graduates of the IB program are always appreciated for their potential to outperform other high school students. They have creative thinking ability and very good sense of themselves in the international environment. In addition, students can also choose from many other prestigious universities in Vietnam.  

Offering the opportunity to study abroad or attend a domestic university, while providing the Diploma Programme like other international schools, but with much more affordable tuition, Tesla is a worthy starting point in your journey to find an international school to teach IB for your child.  

Học sinh Trung học Trường Tesla
MYP Students at Tesla Education

A consistent learning pathway from Early Years to Secondary like at Tesla Education is also an advantage for students’ psychology because they do not have to change school many times and get used to the new environment. The educational investment plan is completely stable because parents do not need to worry about choosing another school for their children.  

Located in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Tesla Education owns a campus of up to 8,000m2. Modern facilities with a system of multiple classrooms and function rooms will meet the learning needs of students from Early Years to Secondary. 

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