How to prepare your child to go back to school - Tesla Education
Parent Learning

How to prepare your child to go back to school?

Tesla Education 10 Feb, 2022 11:43 am

Face-to-face learning is essential because students need social interactions to promote holistic development in both mental health and psychosocial well-being. Starting February 14, 2022, Tesla students will return to school for face-to-face learning after more than half a year in lockdown. The Family-School Partnership is necessary for helping your child adapt to the transition from online to onsite school.

Trường quốc tế dạy chương trình IB
Onsite learning at the school helps students develop comprehensively both intellectually and spiritually

Support your child’s mental health – The most important issue

After a long time studying at home, psychologists recommend that parents prepare and support their child’s mental health so that they can return to school in the best mood. They will be excited to go to school for learning and experiencing with teachers and friends. However, children may feel nervous or reluctant to return to school and catch up with the new pace of life.

Therefore, parents need to share with their children about going back to school in the context of the pandemic. Parents should have a calm, proactive conversation with their children about the coronavirus disease to make them feel at ease as they return to school.

In addition, parents need to talk to and support their children in preparing for their timetable to know what lessons they will be having and the equipment they might need, rearrange the study corner, and plan new goals. 

The support and companionship of parents and measures to prevent the pandemic from the school are the conditions for children to be calm, secure, and quickly adapt to changes. 

How to prepare your child to go back to school?
Parents need to support their child's mental health before going back to school

Compliance with covid-19 preventive measures 

Even when students return to school, the “5K Message” is still necessary to stay healthy and safe during the pandemic. Students still need to strictly follow the measures of COVID-19 prevention to ensure the health of themselves, their friends, and teachers. 

HCMC Center for Disease Control (HCDC) has issued pandemic prevention notes for Primary and Secondary school students. The most important is wearing a mask, regularly washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes, not sharing personal items, not spitting indiscriminately, and notifying teachers and families when showing symptoms such as cough, fever, difficulty breathing. 

How to prepare your child to go back to school?
Compliance with covid-19 preventive measures at school

Back to school – Maintain skills from online learning for Tesla students 

Tesla teachers and students have developed necessary skills in the Information Age through the challenges of the digital environment. Technology is an essential part of modern education and is central to the learning experience of Tesla Students. 

Our goal is for every student to have appropriate access to technology in every class, every day.  Effective use of technology provides students with opportunities to become active participants in their own learning. 

From KG to grade 2, students will use tablets and other devices provided by the school. From grade 3, families are required to provide an appropriate mobile learning device (tablets, laptops, etc.) to school to support their learning.

How to prepare your child to go back to school?
Tesla will provide tablets and other devices for students KG - Grade 2

The online learning process has opened up opportunities for students to hone their information technology abilities and actively approach knowledge with a passion for learning. Students also develop critical thinking skills and independent research ability to meet the return to practice requirement. Those are also the main goals of the IB Curriculum. 

In the context of safe living with the COVID-19 pandemic, returning to school helps students acquire knowledge more effectively with practical learning experiences. They feel comfortable and easily adapt to the New Normal life.

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