Principles of Language Learning at Tesla Education
Language learning at Tesla Education is underpinned by the following principles:
– Language is used to construct meaning, deepen our understanding of the world and is the major connecting element across the curriculum.
– Maintaining a student’s mother tongue promotes successful academic and cognitive development.
– Promoting multilingualism is research-based best practice and preserves the culture and tradition of our diverse learning community.
– The acquisition of an additional language should be in conjunction with a learner’s cognitive development across all content areas.
– Language can be seen to develop along a continuum of learning from the earliest stages of language acquisition through to high level proficiency as a “native speaker”.
– Every student has individual needs that are dependent on a large range of factors (native language proficiency, age, exposure to English, previous education, etc.) and the rate or progression of English language development can be widely variable.
– Students learn best when they are actively involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing in authentic contexts using meaningful and engaging language tasks.
– The four dimensions of activating prior learning, scaffolding meaning, extending language and affirming identity promote learner participation and engagement in all subject areas.
– Learning Vietnamese, the language of our host country, is required for all students as a means to successfully interact with the wider community, extend thinking and communication skills as well and demonstrate respect.