Early Years - Tesla Education

Early Years

Young children are naturally inquisitive and we strive to leverage their curiosity by creating experiences that allow them to question, experiment, try new things, make mistakes, and try again.

The Early Years education program at Tesla is designed for students aged 18 months to 4 years old, aiming to develop knowledge and skills according to 02 programs:

  • The approaching of IB PYP.
  • The IB PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program)  for children aged from  3. 

Through transdisciplinary themes, and opportunities for them to discover as they interact with the world around them. We emphasize communication in a bilingual environment because we believe that developing their first language is essential to acquiring additional languages as they mature.

04 transdisciplinary themes

Early Year students will explore 4 out of 6 transdisciplinary themes of the IB PYP program.

Primarily through play supported by learning activities created and guided by teachers, while the students initiate their own actions.

Play in a child’s development highlights the importance of an appropriate developmental environment for children to learn at their own individual pace.

The program is implemented in 06 areas
  • Science – Technology: A field that satisfies students’ passion for science and technology.
  • Language: Students develop language skills in both Vietnamese and English across different areas of learning.
  • Physical Education: Students engage in basic motor skills in a healthy sports environment through various cooperative sports activities.
  • Emotional – Social Skills: Students become aware of who they are, learn to express their emotions, and show empathy and sharing.
  • Arts: Students develop imagination and creativity through various art forms such as drawing, modeling, dancing, acting, and dancing.
  • Mathematics: Students also learn to solve math problems in English and experience mathematics through software on computers or tablets.
Teaching Phonics

Phonics is a method of teaching children to read and write. This program helps children listen, identify, and use different sounds to distinguish one word from another in English.

Phonics will be taught in EAL (English as an Additional Language) lessons and instructed by native teachers. The benefits of Phonics will support students in learning English for UOI (Units of Inquiry). UOI are English lessons where children explore and investigate transdisciplinary themes.

Extracurricular Activities

These are group activities and interest-based learning. Children can choose their favorite clubs to participate in. Joining interest-based clubs helps children learn with passion and enthusiasm; meanwhile, in mixed-age classes, they can learn from each other and offer mutual help. The available clubs include:

  • Masterchef.
  • Ballet.
  • STEM.
  • Art.
  • Sports (Multi-sport and Swim).
  • Language.

For more detailed information about the Preschool curriculum, please refer to the following link:


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