Tesla Talk | Tesla Education

Tesla Talk

30 Dec, 2021
Chúng ta đang tiến gần đến thời điểm chuyển giao và kết thúc năm 2021, tôi rất muốn nói lời cảm ơn đến toàn thể cộng đồng vì sự kiên trì, nhẫn nại, tận tâm...
29 Nov, 2021
A recent conversation with a parent has inspired me to write about “group work” because it is an essential, yet complex, aspect of student education and sometimes it can be misunderstood.
29 Oct, 2021
Tim Vanderpool Director of Studies Newsletter 29 October 2021 The conclusion of Term 1 provides an opportunity…
30 Sep, 2021
In a PYP classroom at Tesla, the classroom environment is student-centered where the teacher’s role…
27 Aug, 2021
The learning environment being created by our teachers still provides the challenges necessary for the…
4 Jun, 2021
It has been a challenging year and through all the changes and adjustments, everyone has…
21 May, 2021
MOET provides the “What” students will learn. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) provides a…
14 May, 2021
We are going to create a digital presentation over the next couple of weeks to…
7 May, 2021
During this period of online learning, we will do our best to ensure the students…
29 Apr, 2021
Tesla would like to invite Parents to the virtual talk with the experts on the…
23 Apr, 2021
At the core of the PYP logo, the foundation for the entire IB program is…
At Tesla, we embrace the idea that all students are developing multiple languages and utilize…
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