Tesla Talk Week May 14th, 2021
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk Week May 14th, 2021

Tesla Education 14 May, 2021 9:00 am
Tesla Talk Week May 14th, 2021
Tim Vanderpool

Director of Studies

Newsletter 14th May 2021

This week was supposed to be the first of two parent workshops to help parents understand what the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) means to their children’s educational experience at Tesla. Unfortunately, due to Covid safety concerns, they had to be canceled, but because of the number of parents that expressed interest, we are going to create a digital presentation over the next couple of weeks to share as much information as we can about the classroom experience.

A workshop, as opposed to a presentation, provides parents with the opportunity to participate in the same experiences as their children. In the case of our two proposed workshops, parents would have engaged in collaborative inquiry and worked together to understand the concept of agency; the shifting of responsibility for learning to the students by giving them choice in how they learn. Although we cannot emulate those activities in online presentations, we have decided to provide an overview of how teachers integrate the MOET learning outcomes into units of inquiry. In addition to the planning process, we will provide examples of student activities and authentic evidence of student participation in our program of inquiry.

Although we cannot bring you into school to experience the Tesla integrated program, over the next few weeks we will do our best to provide you with as much information as possible about why PYP is internationally recognized as the preeminent primary educational framework and how it meets the needs of your families.

Thank you,

Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies

Update News


Tesla would like to invite Parents to the virtual presentation with the experts on:

  • Time: 10:00 – 11:30 Am on May 22, 2021

The content of the seminar includes:

  • Essential qualities of an international student.
  • Holisticdevelopment of children with the International Baccalaureate Programme.
  • The unique experience from a formerInternational Baccalaureate student.

Virtual talks by a panel of experts:

  • Mr. Faizol Musa (Development and Recognition Manager for South East Asia IB Organization).
  • Mr. Tim Vanderpool (Director of Studies at Tesla School).
  • Dr. Christopher Poole-Johnson (Lecturer in Business Communications for Western Sydney University at the University of Economics).
  • Ms. Sandy Lee (Student at King’s College London).

Parents who would like to register, please visit the link:http://form.tesla.edu.vn/?request=application&hash=5cf1a05f8ee98c4c1e3b5ad243b2e952


Due to the current Covid 19 situation and the Government restrictions of groups gathering, we cannot hold the workshops in person and need to change the format. Over the next couple weeks, our Director of Studies will be working with the teaching staff to create a presentation about the PYP learning experience. The presentation will include how teachers plan units and what inquiry and agency looks like to students in the classroom. In addition to the information, the presentation will include authentic work from the students as examples of the Tesla PYP teaching and learning approach.

Early Years


Implementation of Official Letter No. 1415 / UBND-VX on suspending teaching activities in Ho Chi Minh City. To help children to interact with teachers, friends and review knowledge, Tesla will activate the online learning system, please follow the instructions below to help children participate in the classroom. Online learning class is available from Monday, May 17, 2021.

How parents help children with their online learning:

  • Firstly, please download the Zoom software to your PC / Tablet.
  • Instructions for setting and using the zoom function: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm8INXAkvzg.
  • Parents, please see the timetable on the software “Learning portal“. Select the semester “Online class 2021 (Week 20-24)“.

Learning Process:

  • Duration: 30 minutes / lesson.
  • The lessons are presented with PowerPoint.
  • Students will be in class 5 minutes before the lesson.


  • Subjects that have homework will be attached to the “Parents do – ask” section. Parents support your child with the file to complete their homework.

Rules for online classes:

  • You need to arrange the study corner with a neatly study desk, chair in a quiet and separate space.
  • Prepare enough school supplies: pencil, eraser, ruler, small whiteboard with marker, board cleaner, notebook, water bottle (if necessary).
  • Turn on the computer, microphone, webcam, speaker and prepare a battery charger (if necessary).

Family members need to respect the learning space between the school and the student. Parents and other family members are encouraged to stay quiet and avoid noise (limit phone usage, listening to music, talking, watching TV during children’s online lessons).

Tesla Talk Week May 14th, 2021
Ms. Nguyen Ha Huyen Kim

PYP Coordinator

Just like how individual students see the world differently, they have different learning styles and pace. PYP teachers in Tesla understand the discipline of learning and create opportunities for students to organize their learning in the most interesting ways, whether to acquire knowledge, understand a concept, practice a skill or develop their learner profile.

Learning has never been so exciting with hands-on activities and moving around rather than confined to writing at the table and reading out from textbooks.

Students draw diagrams and charts to understand ideas and concepts. They create a variety of mind maps to organize and brainstorm ideas for their learning. Students use colours, images, and symbols to represent the concepts or ideas they want to express. They create games and plays to learn in incredibly creative ways. And that is how learning happens!

The school nurse


The Ministry of Health has officially announced a message featuring 5K (in Vietnamese) Khau trang (facemask) – (Khu khuan) disinfection – (Khoang cach) distance – (Khong tu tap) no gathering – (Khai bao y te) health declaration to help citizens get used to living safely with the COVID-19 pandemic in ‘new normal’ state.

People are recommended to regularly wash hands with soap or hand sanitizers; clean surfaces and frequently contacting objects (doorknobs, mobile phones, tablets, tables, and chairs).

People are also asked to keep a safe distance from each other and avoid mass gatherings.

They are called on to conduct health declaration on the NCOVI app, install BlueZone which will help detect the risk of COVID-19 infection.


The education savings package “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD”

As a parent, our biggest aspiration is to help our children enjoy good education and be successful. How can we prepare our child for a solid education foundation, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic during the past 2 years?

At Tesla Education Group, we understand the concerns and difficulties of parents, especially when COVID-19 has led to global financial instability directly affecting every family. Economic experts predict we will need at least 3 years after the pandemic is over to get back to a normal recovering and developing economy.

Therefore, 2021 is an important time for parents to choose an education solution that not only is stable and suitable for children in the next 3 to 5 years but also fits the family budget. This also presents an opportunity for parents to leverage their children’s outstanding development compared to their peers.

A good financial plan now can realize parent’s dream of educating their children even in the global crisis. With that in mind, in 2021-2022, Tesla Education Group – International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, has introduced the “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD” – The education savings package for primary and secondary parents. Students will be able to learn in a modern and creative educational environmentwhich will get them ready for universities in any advanced educational system in the world.

Parents who would like to explore more, please visit the link: https://tesla.edu.vn/en/admissions/education-saving-package/

Limited Scholarships available now for new MYP students 2021 – 2022

Tesla is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% for new MYP students for the next school year 2021-2022. Please note the closing date is coming soon on May 31, 2021, please apply now!

If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn

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