Tesla Talk Week April 29th 2021 | Tesla Education - IB World School
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk Week April 29th 2021

Tesla Education 29 Apr, 2021 10:00 am
Tesla Talk Week April 29th 2021
Tim Vanderpool

Giám đốc Học thuật

Newsletter 29th April 2021

Over the years I have had many discussions with parents about the use of technology at home and in the classroom. Most parents realize technology is an important aspect of modern society, but many worry that their children use it too often and for the wrong purposes. It is definitely a delicate balance and there does need to be boundaries at home, but technology in education is essential. Our job is to provide students with the skills necessary to be successful in the future and technology will only become more advanced with time. What is important is for the entire community of teachers, students, and parents to understand how and why technology should be used in education.

Technology integration is the enhancement of traditional instructional practices by using digital tools to allow students to access, acquire, organize, and communicate information. In addition, technology provides multiple platforms for students to develop communication, collaboration, creative, and critical thinking skills inherent to the 21st century. Students are growing up in a digital world so in order to make learning relevant and meaningful, they need to engage in experiences that model a real-life environment.  Technology is a tool just like a screwdriver, hammer, or a saw, and it is important that children learn to utilize it properly so they don’t put themselves in danger.  A teacher’s job has transitioned away from being the sole source of information to one of being a guide and mentor for how to properly access and utilize the infinite amount of information available to today’s youth.

Technology’s place in education is continually growing and it is important that all members of the learning community embrace it with care and moderation. When I  hear a parent say that their child is online too much, I generally believe they are correct. What is important is for the adults, both teachers and parents, to communicate with each other to ensure students are making informed decisions about how and when they are visiting the digital world.

Thank you,

Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies

Tesla Talk Week April 29th 2021
Ms. Huynh Thi Kim Ngoc

Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

During the Assembly this Monday, grade 4 students successfully organized the Science Fair – the start of Science Week at Tesla. The children planned, assigned, and performed all the tasks for the Fair from being MC, doing experiments, presenting to preparing posters, making invitations, gifts … With the success of this event, we can believe and empower children with agency. Let’s take a look at some of their feedback and reflection after the event.

  • I feel happy and also a bit scared. I think next time I need to present it louder to the younger ones
  • I’m excited. I learned when working in groups to know how to divide the tasks
  • Feeling a bit nervous and scared but generally happy
Tesla Talk Week April 29th 2021
Ms. Ciara Lucey

UOI English Teacher

In the activity, Running to Neptune, Grade 3 students made to scale models of the Planets in our Solar System. Students also calculated the distance between each planet using astronomical units.

We then placed the planets on the ground in the playground and played a racing game, running to each planet, reinforcing the names, order, and relative distances between the planets.

Highlights of Early Years (Tan Binh Campus)

This week, Early Years students were very happy and interested in the project “Plants and Animals”. Students practiced planting and taking care of trees, older students were very confident to draw pictures they like as well as go to the library for reading books, learning more about the project they are studying…

The School Nurse

Vì ưu tiên hàng đầu của Tesla là sức khỏe và sự an toàn của học sinh, phụ huynh và nhân viên nên chúng tôi muốn khuyên phụ huynh trang bị khẩu trang cho con em mình khi đến trường. Hơn nữa, để giảm nguy cơ lây nhiễm Corona virus cho gia đình và những người khác, đây là danh sách các biện pháp phòng ngừa do Sở Y tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cung cấp:

  • Thường xuyên rửa tay bằng xà phòng và vòi nước trong vòng ít nhất 20 giây. Lau khô bằng khăn giấy hoặc máy sấy tay.
  • Sử dụng nước rửa tay có cồn với nồng độ cồn hơn 60 phần trăm.
  • Che miệng khi ho/hắt hơi bằng khăn giấy hoặc dùng phần tay áo trên/ngay khuỷu tay của bạn.
  • Đeo khẩu trang nếu bạn phải rời khỏi nhà
  • Nhận trợ giúp nếu bạn cảm thấy không khỏe, hãy gọi cho bác sĩ đa khoa hoặc đường dây nóng về Corona virus để được tư vấn. Nếu bạn bị ốm, hãy ở nhà.

Hãy kiểm tra nếu bạn có các triệu chứng và về nhà ngay sau đó.

Update News

1. The school will organize AI DAY on May 8, 2021

Participating in the event, Parents and children will have the opportunity to directly experience and learn information about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics. With the presence of modern robots, children can interact with its amazing features.

Parents who would like to register, please send a confirmation email to: admission@tesla.edu.vn

2. The School will organize Tesla Parents Workshops “IB Learning Experience” and The Community Presentation

  • Event 1Developing thinkers through inquiry and discovery

 Time: 6:00 pm, 12 May 2021

  • Event 2Creating Ownership of learning through Agency 

Time: 6:00 pm, 19 May 2021

  • Event 3It’s Never Too Early To Prepare Your Child For University

          Time: 09:30 am, 22 May 2021

Parents who register to attend, please visit the link: http://beta.tesla.edu.vn/tuyen-sinh/

3. Announcement of School Holidays in April

As per our 2020-2021 School Calendar, Tesla would like to inform Parents of the holiday plan in April:

  • Reunification Day: 30 April 2021 (Friday)

Compensation for Labour Day: 03 May 2021 (Monday)


Important information for our current families and friends in regards to any younger siblings / younger children that you may like to enroll for the New School Year August 2021 – 2022. Tesla Admissions is now open, please apply to ensure that your place is secured early, as some grades may fill up fast creating a waitlist for August 2021.

Please submit the Inquiry Form at https://tesla.edu.vn/en/admissions/admissions-process/, and the Admissions Team will contact you.

If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn.

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