School bus - Tesla Education Group

School Bus Service

Our desire is to develop the best possible experience for our families and a high quality bus transport service is available for the students. If you would like to utilize this service, fill out and submit the Shuttle Service Registration Form to our Admissions Team before the start of a new academic term.

  • The shuttle runs Monday through Friday.
  • The staff includes a driver and an additional supervising adult (nanny) to ensure the safety and comfort of the students. Our motto is, “Children will always be safe!”.
Our Drivers & Transportation Assistants
Pham Huu The


Nguyen Anh Tuan


Ngo Thi Thu Hai

Transportation Assistant

Ngo Thi Bich Van

Transportation Assistant

Shuttle service
  • Round trip: from home to school and school to home.
  • OR One-way from home – school.
  • OR One-way from school – home.
Shuttle routes
  • Ho Chi Minh City’s urban districts.

Important notes

Students should arrive at the pickup location 5 minutes before the scheduled shuttle arrival time to ensure the bus remains on schedule.

  • Parents of preschool and kindergarten students are required to wait with their children until they are picked up by the nanny or driver.

Nanny will pick and deliver students at:

  • Front of their house.
  • Entrance of apartment where they live.
  • With a small alley, if the bus cannot access, the nanny will pick up and deliver the student in the front of the alley to ensure the safety of the remaining students in the bus.

arents are required to be available for contact during the transport times.

A Shuttle card is necessary when picking up the children (in the case of a lost shuttle card, please contact with the Admissions Team).

Parents are asked to kindly be present at the place of the transfer or pick up 5 minutes in advance or immediately after receiving a notification by telephone that the bus is preparing to arrive.

  • Pickup: If a student is not present at the pick-up location and there has been no correspondence by the parents, the bus will continue on its scheduled route after 10 minutes. If the student misses the bus it is the parents responsibility to arrange for transportation to school.
  • Arrival: Upon arrival, the bus will wait for the parents to receive their children for 10 minutes. If the nanny is unable to contact and meet with parents the student will remain on the bus and continue the route to the other students’ homes. The bus will return the student to Tesla and parents are responsible for pick up their child at the school.