Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 | Tesla Education - IB World School
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Tesla Education 27 Nov, 2020 4:00 am

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Last week I started a series of information letters about what is an IB education and described the concept-based education that I at the heart of teaching and learning in an IB school. This week I have a question for you all regarding the global concepts that are an important part of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) That question is as follows. If you were a teenager at Tesla studying the MYP which of the Global Concepts below do you think are the most important?

1.Identities and relationships

Who we are: an inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

2.Orientation in space and time

Where we are in place and time: an inquiry into orientation in place and time.

3.Personal and cultural expression

How we express ourselves: an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values.

4.Scientific and technical innovation

How the world works: an inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies.

5.Globalization and sustainability

How we organize ourselves: an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations

6.Fairness and development

Sharing the planet: an inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things.

These are big concepts but as an IB school going through its candidacy we need to build this kind of thinking for our children. So, which one as we approach the end of what is going to be a historically famous year do you think is most important?

One final point is to inform you that we will run a practice fire evacuation next week to ensure our procedures are working and to train the children how to act and where to go.

Thank you in advance.

Director of Studies

Mr. Robin Klymow


Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Ms. Diên

MYP Coordinator

During our Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are, Grade 4 students worked on creating 3D models. Students have been improving their skills of measurement to create their house, based on their original model and making it as big as they want. After this, students decorated their house and added the environment around it. They have already started learning the skills to become young architects!

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Ms. Kim

PYP Coordinator

Our Primary students have had a busy week with wonderful learning experiences. We practiced new skills, acquired new knowledge, understood concepts and developed our Learner Profile as PYP students. The camera caught some raw moments of Tesla everyday life with vivid demonstration of how we show our care.

Ha Trinh in Grade 2 , was showing her care to the school community by putting up the classroom posters when she saw them fall off the board. Our Grade 2 students were showing their care to the school facility by taking notes on their playground observation and making plans on how to keep the school a safe and happy place for learning. Quan and Phuc in Grade 4 were showing their care to the environment by creating a board game of questions to promote action against water and air pollution. The Homeroom teachers Ms Nhung and Ms Thoa were showing their care to the students’ learning by cross checking each other’s report comments to make sure they best reflect the students’ achievement and effort.

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020




During the past week, students started by cutting out some paper flowers. Then, they decorate their own flowers. We fill the large plastic ray with a few inches of water. Fold the flower petals into the center. Finally, we place the folded flowers into the water and the paper will absorb the water causing it to open the petals. They begin opening one at a time until it is all the way open. It makes students exciting!
Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Ms. Son

Head of Moet EYs

The EYs students have experienced an journey with project “Around Saigon City” during the past week. This journey helps the student to experience reality and enhance more knowledge.

Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020






Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

Ms. Ly

Head of Moet EYs (Campus 2)
In the past week, the children at the Phu Nhuan campus have been learned useful and interesting lessons with cutting and pasting objects together. This lesson helps children get used to the shapes as well as the cohesion of objects in the living space.
At the same time, the children participated in coloring lessons. With the dedicated guidance from the teachers, the colorful adventure comes lively with shapes that highlight the creativity of the children.
Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020 Tesla Talk Week November 27th 2020

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