Tesla Talk Week May 21st, 2021

Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies
Newsletter 21st May 2021
Over the last week, I have been putting together a presentation, PYP at Tesla, that will be sent out to the parents in the coming week. As a curriculum director and IB teacher for many years putting together the structure of how we run the IB program is second nature, but going through the teacher and student evidence showing their progress this year has been enlightening and delightful. What has been accomplished in the first year of a PYP program is extremely impressive. I look forward to publishing many examples for the whole community to see. As an overview of the presentation and to address many questions I receive for parents here is our program in a nutshell.
The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) provides grade-level learning outcomes. These are expectations of what students need to know and be able to do in their academic progression. We utilize these standards of learning as the foundation for developing our units of study and developing assessments for students to demonstrate their learning. MOET provides the “WHAT” students will learn. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) provides a framework for “How” students will learn. The goal is to develop the attributes of a lifelong learner that is outlined in the IB Learner Profile. This begins with teachers collaboratively planning how to make connections between all subject areas within six transdisciplinary thematic units. The idea is that life is not a set of orderly events or concepts, but it is a series of experiences with everything mixed together. Each of the themes is called a unit of inquiry where students engage in independent and collaborative activities that challenge them to inquire and discover rather than passively receive information from the teacher or book.
Although content is important because it is the foundation for communication, the PYP classroom environment is the key to developing students as creative, critical thinkers that contribute to a learning community. Teachers are expected to shift the responsibility for learning towards the students so they embrace learning as a process. The goal is for students to begin to understand who they are as a learner by reflecting on the inquiry process and successes and failures they encounter along the journey.
Hope this helps a little and look forward to the feedback from our parent community after receiving the presentation and seeing all the wonderful work done by their children.
Thank you,
Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies
Update News
Tesla would like to invite Parents to the virtual presentation with the experts on:
- Time: 10:00 – 11:30 AM on May 22, 2021
The content of the seminar includes:
- Essential qualities of an international student
- Holistic development of children with the International Baccalaureate Programme
- The unique experience from a former International Baccalaureate student
Virtual talks by a panel of experts:
- Mr. Faizol Musa (Development and Recognition Manager for South East Asia IB Organization)
- Mr. Tim Vanderpool (Director of Studies at Tesla School)
- Dr. Christopher Poole-Johnson (Lecturer in Business Communications for Western Sydney University at the University of Economics)
- Ms. Sandy Lee (Student at King’s College London)
Parents who would like to register, please visit the link: http://form.tesla.edu.vn/?request=application&hash=5cf1a05f8ee98c4c1e3b5ad243b2e952

Early Years
Although during the pandemic break, Early Years students (Pioneers, Discoverers, Adventurers, Voyagers classes) still interact with teachers and friends every day through online interaction “Learning while playing”. Online interaction for Early Years students need a lot of support from parents or grandparents, so that family members will increase their closeness, help children to be happy, go through boring times, but still have a lot of useful information.
On May 24 & 25, 2021 (Tan Binh Campus) and May 25 & 26, 2021 (Phu Nhuan Campus), parents of all Early Years classes, please come to school with student cards to receive student products (books, portfolio, certificates, gifts,…).
Due to the Covid-19 situation, the school is unable to hold a face-to-face meeting with parents at the school. The year-end parent meeting will be held on May 27, 2021 (Phu Nhuan Campus) and May 28, 2021 (Tan Binh Campus), in the form of an online meeting, the school will send the meeting time and instructions to each parent via email.

Ms. Nguyen Ha Huyen Kim
PYP Coordinator
As all the students are learning from home due to Covid-19 precaution; their teachers are busy in the classrooms with online and video classes creating opportunities for students to make use of a variety of IT tools to support learning from a distance.
In EAL classes, G4 students are learning how to create a persuasive writing. In UOI lesson with Ms Ciara, G3 students are reflecting on their Learner profile through the year and working on evidence of their learning. In Ms Nhung’s Maths class, G2 students are reviewing all the strategies they have learned to solve addition and subtraction. In another UOI lesson with Ms Ciara and Ms Khanh, G1 students are practicing sight words and CVC as language strategies to help them learn spelling, reading and writing in English.
With an internet connection, there is no geographical barrier. Online learning enhances computer and internet proficiency. A range of various learning styles can be met and students learn to develop their approaches to learning skills effectively.

The school nurse
Protect yourself and others from COVID-19
Follow the recommendations and advice from the World Health Organization homepage on the COVID-19 situation. If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!
You also find out more about WHO’s recommendations for getting vaccinated on our public advice page on COVID-19 vaccines.
For more detailed information about COVID-19 around the world as well as preventive measures, please visit the World Health Organization website at the following link:

The Education Savings Package “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD”
As a parent, our biggest aspiration is to help our children enjoy good education and be successful. How can we prepare our child for a solid education foundation, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic during the past 2 years?
At Tesla Education Group, we understand the concerns and difficulties of parents, especially when COVID-19 has led to global financial instability directly affecting every family. Economic experts predict we will need at least 3 years after the pandemic is over to get back to a normal recovering and developing economy.
Therefore, 2021 is an important time for parents to choose an education solution that not only is stable and suitable for children in the next 3 to 5 years but also fits the family budget. This also presents an opportunity for parents to leverage their children’s outstanding development compared to their peers.
A good financial plan now can realize parent’s dream of educating their children even in the global crisis. With that in mind, in 2021-2022, Tesla Education Group – International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, has introduced the “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD” – The education savings package for primary and secondary parents. Students will be able to learn in a modern and creative educational environment, which will get them ready for universities in any advanced educational system in the world.
Parents who would like to explore more, please visit the link: https://tesla.edu.vn/en/admissions/education-saving-package/

Limited Scholarships available now for new MYP students 2021 – 2022
Tesla is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% for new MYP students for the next school year 2021-2022. Please note the closing date is coming soon on May 31, 2021, please apply now!
If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn.