Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021 | Tesla Education - IB World School
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021

Tesla Education 15 Jan, 2021 9:00 am
Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Robin Klymow

Director of Studies

Newsletter 15th January 2021

I would like to thank all of you for attending the Three-Way Conferences. As I mentioned in earlier newsletters this is the start of enabling students to become directly involved in their reporting and it is a good way of showing those attributes of the IB Learner Profile particularly: reflective and communicative. Do please feedback your ideas and questions on the first Three-Way Conference back to Tesla so we can develop more for the next time. I wanted to explain more some things that you can do to support the PYP approach at home. Last week, I wrote about: Take an inquiry stance and supporting conceptual understanding. This week, I want to suggest that you prioritize reflection. Get your child thinking about their thinking. Similar to the Key Concept questions, there are two questions you can ask your child to help them think deeper, about whatever it is they are learning. Again – any subject, any topic. More specifically, they get children thinking about their thinking! Here are two magic questions to support learner deep understanding: – How do you know? – What makes you say that? Whether they are showing you the solution to a math problem, discussing parts of a book they are reading, summarizing information, sharing their perspective on a world event… these questions have superpowers. We know that this approach is valuable at school creating thinkers and I wanted to share this with Tesla’s parents too. Thank you, Robin Klymow Director of Studies
Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh Dien

MYP Coordinator

At the beginning of Semester 2, Grade 3 students enjoyed learning how to draw fruit. By drawing dragon fruits, guavas and mangoes, they improved their Observational Drawing skills. Starting with sketching, students then blended colors, using oil pastels or color pencils to produce realistic artworks.  At the end of the lesson, students shared their experiences of using different media. They viewed one another’s paintings and offered suggestions about the strengths and weaknesses of each painting.

Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Ms. Nguyen Ha Huyen Kim

PYP Coordinator

It has been a busy and exciting week in Tesla with our first Three-Way Conferences. We celebrated our students’ strengths and reflected on areas for growth, to set individual students’ learning goals with parents and teachers. These photos show different aspects of Tesla’s everyday life. Our students are open-minded during playtime when they share their creative game together across different grade levels. Grade 2 students enjoy their swimming lesson in the pool. Thao Anh and Mimi are assisting their teacher in sorting classwork. Vuong Phuc and Ha Trinh are sharing an exciting game together. Mimi chooses to spend her playtime creating some nice writing to her parents. Phuc is making an effort to ensure his handwriting is the best he can produce.

Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Mr. Nguyen Truong Ton

Head of MOET

  1. The Lunar New Year holiday schedule: Students will leave school for Tet from 8 to 19 February 2021, and return to school on Monday, 22 February 2021 (*Note: Students will still go to school until the end of 5 February, 2021).
  2. The Tet celebration festival: is held from 14:00 to 17:00 on 4 February, 2021.
  3. Some pictures from the Parent-Teacher Conference: The Primary School had a Parent-Teacher Conference on 11 & 12 January 2021 to report the learning progress during semester 1. The purpose of this meeting is not only to report what students have achieved in semester 1 but also to set individual students’ learning goals for the next semester.
Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Mr Carlos Boyano

ICT Teacher

Grade 2 Students learning about Scratch blocks. They are working in poster that describes the different blocks used  with Scratch.

Tesla Talk Week January 15th 2021
Ms. Le Thi Hong Son

Head of EYs (Tan Binh campus)

Multi-sport is a 10-sport physical education program to train life skills for preschool students. The 10 sports in the Multi-sport programme are purposely and scientifically selected. They are an effective tool in improving the students’ physical traning.

Some of the sports are quite popular in Vietnam: Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Athletics. Other modern sports are also introduced: Australian football, American football, Cricket, Hockey, T-Ball.

Multi-sports activities are focused on making well-rounded preschool students, both in physical, intellectual, emotional aspects, and in social skills. The age-approriate Multi-sport class will have suitable and active lessons bringing joy and laughter to students.

This week, students experienced soccer by engaging in sports skills such as: running up to kick the ball, running up to shoot a goal, balancing with ball…All these skills will help students better use their eyes and legs, develop their gross and fine motor skills, teach them to stand in line when waiting for their turns.

Highlights of Tan Binh campus (Early Years)

The Kindergarten section in Tan Binh campus had a Parent-Teacher Conference on 14/01/2021. Homeroom teachers and subject teachers had the chance to meet with parents to discuss their children learning during semester 1. The teachers also received opinions from parents to better develop the school.

Highlights of Phu Nhuan campus (Early Years)


At the age of Preschool, training self-service skills for children is necessary. Therefore, children will develop the ability to be independent, proactive, confident, and more stable in the face of all future challenges.

During a fruit yogurt making lesson at Tesla, students are excited to choose ingredients and enjoy their yogurts.

The School Nurse


The recent cold days have caused our blood pressure to increase, raising the secretion of catecholamine in the blood, leading to peripheral vasoconstriction, the greater amount of blood coming back to the heart, and higher blood pressure. This condition may lead to angina, cerebrovascular rupture, and a weakened immune system. The compromised immune system also makes children vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections such as pneumonia, acute pneumonia, bronchitis, upper respiratory infections.

It is recommended that we wear warm, keep our bodies dry, avoid being wet, especially in the neck, hands and feet to limit cold-related diseases. It is also advisable to wear masks to protect our respiratory systems, especially from the COVID-19.



Our new face of Tesla includes a beautiful new Reception area in our Tesla-branded colors at the very front of the school with our very friendly and welcoming Ms Mai who is eagerly waiting to support our current Tesla parents in any way that she can. If you should need school information or would just like to pop in for Coffee or Tea, Mai is ready to welcome you.
Mai’s contacts are:

Phone:  0984948080 – 028 73079889
Ext: 102

Important information for our current families and friends in regards to any younger siblings / younger children that you may like to enroll for either 2nd Semester, January 2021 or for the New School Year August 2021 – 2022. Tesla Admissions is now open, please apply to ensure that your place is secured early, as some grades may fill up fast creating a waitlist for August 2021.

Please submit the Inquiry Form at http://beta.tesla.edu.vn/en/contact-us/, and the Admissions Team will contact you.

If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn

Limited Scholarships available now for Semester 2, 2020 – 2021

Tesla is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% for Secondary students who are entering Semester 2 of this School Year 2020 – 2021. Please note that all scholarship applications must be received by Wednesday 20 January 2021.

If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn