Tesla Talk Week February 5th 2021

Robin Klymow
Director of Studies
Newsletter 5th February, 2021
The Covid safety precautions means that we cannot hold school face to face of course. We have therefore decided to carry on the teaching and learning online through Zoom, which is an advantage because it fits in well with our ManageBac platform.
Schools across the world have learnt a lot due to school closures about how to run online learning and below we have outlined the details we will be putting in place.
School hours will remain the same. That means we will be asking students to be ready for class at 8.00a.m and be prepared for learning. The detailed timetable will be shared with you through ManageBac later as we need to follow the Doet Covid Guidance. Please make sure to check your ManageBac notifications regularly to keep updated about your child’s learning schedule.
During the daily timetable of online learning, teachers will be giving a few more short breaks so children can get away from the screen, walk around use the bathroom and have a snack. Sitting down for long periods of time does not help learning.
We will be preparing PowerPoint presentations to guide students with information questions and activities.
There will be lots of teacher interaction so students get a feel of real school and will be able to talk and ask questions to their teachers.
Students are required to be in online class, and the same school rules as being polite not shouting out and listening remain in force.
The learning information for each day will be placed in ManageBac and can be accessed by parents the evening before if they wish to see it.
There will be a focus on Languages and Maths, but also a variety of activities including short videos to engage the students and keep the focus.
Finally and most importantly we ask that parents set up an area where their child/ren are comfortable and can concentrate.
We do understand this is depending on parental support at home and the first few days will be hard but students will settle into a routine when parents support the routines at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 098 494 8080 if you have questions or suggestions.
Have a safe and prosperous Tet!
With best wishes to you and your family from Tesla Learning Community!
Many thanks,
Robin Klymow
Director of Studies

Mr. Tran Cong Nhat Phuong
ICT Teacher
After a long break, the students come back and continue completing coloring-related lessons during the Design Technology class. To help students well-prepared for freehand drawings, we are still teaching them how to use graphic tools through a simulation from sample design. This course also helps students develop artistic thinking, meticulousness and carefulness, and keyboard skills.

Mr. Carlos Boyano
ICT Teacher
During this week, grade 1 to 4 students worked on their first Scratch Assessment. They need to create a short animation that requires them to select the characters and edit their costume. They also need to set the background for the story and make the characters talk and move.

Ms. Huynh Thi Kim Ngoc
Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

Mr. Nguyen Truong Ton
Head of MOET

Highlights of Early Years
Teaching independent skills helps children to realize the importance and their role in relationships with people and society. For early years students, Tesla always aims to support children to practice independence skills to form good habits right from the first years of their life. Teaching children how to work independently from a young age will create a strong foundation for them to be strong in the future.

The School Nurse
According to information from the homepage of the Ministry of Health, Vietnam has currently discovered two strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus originating from the UK and South Africa.
Tet is coming, so let’s celebrate Tet together in a safe way, protect ourselves and others from COVID-19 by following the recommendations & instructions of the medical authorities when traveling during Tet.
– Get information about the COVID-19 pandemic in the area where you celebrate Tet.
– Update and comply with local government guidelines on travel restrictions and safety recommendations.
– Do not go around if you have been sick, or in close contact with someone with COVID-19 for the past 21 days.
– Implementation of 5K messages:
1. Wear masks
2. Disinfection
3. Keep distance
4. No gathering
5. Health declaration
This Tet, please give gifts of health and protection to your loved ones!
For more information, please visit the link: https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/web/guest/trang-chu

Important information for our current families and friends in regards to any younger siblings / younger children that you may like to enroll for either 2nd Semester, January 2021 or for the New School Year August 2021 – 2022. Tesla Admissions is now open, please apply to ensure that your place is secured early, as some grades may fill up fast creating a waitlist for August 2021.
Please submit the Inquiry Form at http://beta.tesla.edu.vn/en/contact-us/, and the Admissions Team will contact you.
If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn.

Limited Scholarships available now for Tesla students 2021 – 2022
Tesla is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% for Tesla students for the next school year 2021-2022. Please note the closing date is coming soon on March 1st 2021, please apply now!
If you would like to receive more information regarding enrollment, please contact Tesla at: admission@tesla.edu.vn.