Tesla Talk September, 2021 | Tesla Education - IB World School
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk September, 2021

Tesla Education 30 Sep, 2021 9:30 am

Tesla Talk September, 2021

Mr. Tim Vanderpool

Director of Studies

Newsletter 30 September 2021

Over the last month I have had many conversations with parents about the online learning environment and student expectations. Interestingly, the two topics are not necessarily related and it has been my observation that many members of our school community are still confused by what the shifts to PYP means to the students and their families.

Online Learning

Although it is extremely difficult for teachers to create an online environment that provides the social interactions students need to develop interpersonal skills, the academic knowledge and skills of an on-campus classroom are not impacted as much as many parents seem to believe. Students are still required to independently read, write, listen, and demonstrate understanding of new concepts. They are also required to collaborate with their classmates, problem solve, critically think about real-life situations, and reflect on their learning process to gain a better understanding of themselves as learners. In addition, because of the online environment, they need to develop time management skills, persistence, patience, and acquire the essential digital skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century.

Online learning will never replace face-to-face learning, nor is it intended to, but there are many aspects of the platform that are very beneficial to the students. Children are intuitive and easily affected, when they notice doubts and negativity about something it impacts their attitude and desire to achieve. Let’s make sure we are providing the enthusiasm and support during this very challenging time online.

Student Expectations

I learned a long time ago while I was still teaching in the classroom that most student limitations come from adults. Young people can achieve just about anything if they are provided the opportunity, support, and freedom to take risks, be creative, and demonstrate understanding in ways that are meaningful and relevant to their lives. This is the essence of the PYP experience.

Tesla Talk September, 2021
Tesla Talk September, 2021
Tesla Talk September, 2021

A traditional classroom setting has students passive sitting in rows with the teacher as the center of learning and leading instruction. Textbooks provide sequenced lessons and at the end of each set of unit students are tested on their knowledge of the content. Each subject is taught in isolation and students are judged on their proficiency.

In a PYP classroom at Tesla, the classroom environment is student-centered where the teacher’s role has changed to being a coordinator of learning activity and a mentor and guide that shifts the responsibility for learning to the students. Subject areas are taught in thematic units and learning activities are focused on making connections across the whole curriculum, learning activities emphasize communication and creativity, and assessments are performance-based so students must demonstrate understanding of how to use knowledge rather than just store it for later use.

For students to flourish in this environment the adults in their lives, family and teachers, need to embrace change. Traditional views of the educational process are no longer relevant in the 21st century and our job is to encourage children to embrace new challenges, try, fail, try again, and learn from their mistakes. Students need a platform to discover their own limitations and our job is to provide the environment that allows them to climb as high as they desire.

Thank you,

Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies

Tesla Talk September, 2021

Ms. Doan Thi Huynh Hanh

Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

On the occasion of Mid-Autumn 2021, teachers have organized exciting activities integrated into the curriculum. With the great support from teaches, grade 5 students have done voice acting for the fairy tale video “ Cuoi and the banyan on the moon”. Therefore, the students learned a lot of useful knowledge and skills.

  • Understand the meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the legend of Cuoi (the man on the moon);
  • Practice role-playing and teamwork skills, enhance Vietnamese and English language development skills;
  • Learn how to apply advanced technology in combining audio into the video to match the dialogue, and make subtitles for movies.

Let’s enjoy the story together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39EVJdxKq8g

Crazy Hair Day

Grade 5 students had a very unique hair show on Crazy Hair Day. Students and Teacher have voted for the most impressive hairstyle in 2021. Voting results will be announced next week.
Tesla Talk September, 2021

Mr. Daniele Moretti

EAL Teacher

In grades 3, 4, and 5 we’ve been working on a project based assessment that includes reading/research, planning, writing, and speaking/presenting. The style of the assessment is informative and therefore designed to educate an audience about a specific topic. In G3 we’re working on family history and personal culture, in G4 we’re working on healthy habits and optimal nutrition, and in G5 we’re working on emotional changes, puberty, and personal wellness.

Tesla Talk September, 2021Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh Dien

Arts Teacher

On 21st and 22nd September, KG and Grade 1 students were making lanterns with the guidance of the homeroom teachers and the art teacher Ms. Linh and Ms. Dien.

And then, our kids were very excited to celebrate the online Moon Festival Party supported by parents and the teachers. They had a good chance to have their own lanterns, to sing the song “Ruoc Den Thang Tam” and heard the legend “Chu Cuoi”.

Tesla Talk September, 2021

Ms. Vy Thi Kieu Oanh

Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher


The students have come up with a weird hairstyle to bring fun and excitement during Vietnamese and Art classes. And then on Friday morning, the students showed off their creativity through their “weird hair.”

Tesla Talk September, 2021

Mr. Nguyen Truong Ton

Head of National Curriculum


1. End of Term 1 and Start of Term 2

  • Term 1 (The school year 2021-2022) ends on 22 October 2021
  • Term 2 (The school year 2021-2022) starts on 1 November 2021
  • Term Break: From 25 to 29 October 2021

2. Spirit Day – Halloween: 22 October 2021

3. UOI Report: 1 November 2021


The education savings package “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD”

As a parent, our biggest aspiration is to help our children enjoy good education and be successful. How can we prepare our child for a solid education foundation, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic during the past 2 years?

At Tesla Education, we understand the concerns and difficulties of parents, especially when COVID-19 has led to global financial instability directly affecting every family. Economic experts predict we will need at least 3 years after the pandemic is over to get back to a normal recovering and developing economy.

Therefore, 2021 is an important time for parents to choose an education solution that not only is stable and suitable for children in the next 3 to 5 years but also fits the family budget. This also presents an opportunity for parents to leverage their children’s outstanding development compared to their peers.

A good financial plan now can realize parent’s dream of educating their children even in the global crisis. With that in mind, in 2021-2022, Tesla Education – International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, has introduced the “CRISIS BEHIND, FUTURE AHEAD” – The education savings package for primary and secondary parents. Students will be able to learn in a modern and creative educational environmentwhich will get them ready for universities in any advanced educational system in the world.

Parents who would like to explore more, please visit the link: https://tesla.edu.vn/en/admissions/education-saving-package/

Tesla Talk September, 2021
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