Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Tesla Education 16 Nov, 2022 11:07 am


Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Le Thi Hong Son

Head of Early Years National Curriulum


With love for their children and problems that occurred at some Kindergartens, Tesla understands parents think that the camera will bring peace of mind when they can observe their children’s activities from a distance while demonstrating the transparency of the school. In fact, the camera is only a management support tool, not an optimal measure to eliminate negativity. On the other hand, many parents consider the camera unnecessary.

Putting the camera in classrooms is one of the parent concerns that has shown they are not completely satisfied with the quality of education at this level. However, getting the problem solved by humans instead of machines (like cameras). One of the most vital parts of teaching is having the teacher’s responsibility and dedication. If the teacher does not meet the professional requirements or has a passion for teaching the children, no matter how many cameras they install, we can not avoid any negative things happening. That is why Tesla focuses on a team of qualified, well-trained educators to meet professionalism and ethics requirements.

The camera data is the footage related to both students and teachers. Collecting personal information from children has aroused data privacy and security concerns, particularly children. A parent stated: “There needs to be trust between parents and teachers to allow them the freedom to do their jobs well. Then, we are all dedicated to our work, and teachers would be encouraged to think about how best to perform for children”.

Classrooms with cameras also put teachers under pressure if parents often interfere in their children’s teaching and learning process. While technology is seeping into every part of human lives, humans are becoming excessively dependent on technology. To understand the school’s teaching methods, schools and teachers should set up channels to regularly communicate with families, avoid observing and judging through the screen. When parents have put their trust in teachers, installing cameras is unnecessary.

For more information, you can visit the link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikemcshane/2022/02/14/please-dont-put-cameras-in-classrooms/?sh=2427bd464954

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Pham Thi Thanh Phuc

Early Years Teacher

How did one hour with EE class activities go? Let’s take a look at some pictures from this activity hour.

Students were free to unleash their creativity by building models from sand or demonstrating their pouring skills through the game “Water Wall”. Some of the students in the EE class have shown excellent hand-eye coordination as well as observational skills. The children were able to practice many senses from simple games.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

In the next semester, students will have more exciting experiences. We hope that every lesson will be fun and wonderful.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang

Early Years Teacher

Foundation 1A students are learning about the “Sound” project. In this project, they found out what sound is. How is sound transmitted? The sound of the day and the night, the sound of musical instruments and objects around. They learned not to use loud sounds in public and realized that there are sounds that are pleasant and comfortable and those that make people uncomfortable. In addition, the students also experienced and performed many interesting sound experiments!

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Tran Thi Ngoc Trinh

Early Years Teacher

Let’s go to the library!! Every week, Foundation 1B students are very excited to participate in library class. Ms. Thu read interesting stories and interact with students in the English language. In addition, they can also choose their own favorite books to read on their own or with friends. Library time is an opportunity for them to practice reading skills, encouraging them to be more interested in reading books and stories.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Le Thi Phuong Dung

Early Years Teacher

Foundation 2 students were extremely excited to participate in activities in the Learning Resources Center. They have access to a variety of different genres of storybooks. Every week, students are introduced to exciting new books; Listening to stories combined with audiobooks helps students participate in the story more vividly. In addition to reading books at school, they can borrow their favorite books to read at home with their parents. Through these activities, students have access to books in a natural and fascinating way, gradually forming a passion for reading.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Nguyen Kieu Quoc Bao

IB Teacher – PE

During the past few weeks, Early Years students could participate in exciting activities with basketball and fun games to improve their health and have helpful and comfortable lessons.

In addition, the Foundation 2 class participated in swimming lessons focused on learning survival and safety skills when playing in the water. They were more confident and knew how to get in and out of the pool safely, breathe under the water, and do basic backstroke and crawl techniques.


Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms To Kim Yen

IB PYP Coordinator

Eleven weeks have passed since the start of the new school year. I am very proud to witness the growth and progress of the students. I was very impressed by student’s skills when having a chance to participate in the UOI 2 summative assessments of each class including communication skills (grade 2 students confidently presented their recycling community project using a garbage collection robot), research and application skills (grade 5 students did an exhibition about a mini 3D museum about the migration of Indochina countries) or grade 3 students were calm and creative when they knew how to express their feelings through poems and sentences showing social skills, self-management,…

In addition, last week Parent-Teacher conferences were an opportunity for students to understand that the entire school community, including themselves, teachers, and parents, has been involved in the learning process and supported their success.

I also want to share that the school always listens to parents’ suggestions and improves the quality of the meetings.

In just one week, the students (grades 1-5) will continue with the third out of the six units of the school year. I hope all students will become more confident and well-developed the necessary skills for their own learning and succeed in acquiring knowledge.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Vo Thi Ngoc Linh

IB Teacher – KG Homeroom Teacher

KG students started an exciting experience with the unit “Where we are in place and time”. To find out the tourist destinations, they chose three countries: Vietnam, Korea, and the Philippines, and explored together national flags, means of transportation, costumes, cuisine, culture, etc, at these locations. One of the warm-up activities for this adventure is learning about the national flag. It is a characteristic feature of each country. Students have the opportunity to learn about the colors, shapes, and meanings of the flags. Students have worked together to create a national flag using creative materials: crayons, straws, watercolors, and colored paper.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Dang Thien Ngoc Truc

IB Teacher –  Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

Grade 1 students have had a lot of exciting experiences during school. They made their ceramic glasses and bowls. They knew how to use the pottery turntable to shape their products. Students discovered a lot of new knowledge about nature, artificial, and the relationship between these. From there, they became more aware of having to protect natural resources. Learning this exciting knowledge helps them develop their thinking and the necessary skills.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Vy Thi Kieu Oanh

IB Teacher – Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher

The unit How we organize ourselves with the central idea of Human-made systems help us organize ourselves and impact the community. One of the communities that grade 2 students are learning about is the school. They also explore others like supermarkets, markets, transport systems, Etc, and their reflection on human impacts on each of these communities.

Here is an activity where students will design a model from recyclables to schools, supermarkets, residential areas, Etc. They will show their ideas and what they have learned through this project and their presentation. Let’s take a look back at the moments they did together.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Nguyen Hoang An Khanh

IB Teacher – EAL

For the new unit “Where we are in place and time”, Kindergarten students raised a big interest in traveling. Therefore, the passport is a must-have item. Students had a chance to observe different types of passports and then created their own passports.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Sheryl Ferrer Cruz

IB Teacher – ATL


Kindergarten students explored the key concept of function. They inquired into human body systems and how they work using a variety of resources, such as literature, research (technology), pictures, videos, and models. They demonstrated their understanding using the NSEW (Need to know, Suggestions for finding out, Excited about, Worried about) strategy to explain how the parts of the human body work. They suggested ways to keep the human body healthy. They also reflected on the consequences of not taking care of the body.

We have started the unit 2 theme “Where we are in place and time”, with the central idea of “Traveling brings inspiration to discoveries”. Our young explorers started exploring the map to locate the countries and places they would like to travel about and they are very excited about making discoveries about places, people, languages, food, and customs.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Grade 1

Unit 2 Lesson introduces students to natural resources terms and explained the types of natural resources through the exploration and expansion concepts with hands-on activities. Our young farmers did a science experiment planting seeds on soil and cotton balls. Students learned the life cycle of a seed, the process of growing seeds, and the natural resources that help seeds ad plants grow. Students were able to record their observations.

On successful completion of the Unit 2 Theme “How the world work”, students were able to distinguish renewable and non-renewable natural resources and listed examples from around their community. Students brainstormed and collaborated and come up with actions on how to help Tesla’s school save energy, plants, and water resources. They posted posters such as “Save Energy” “Save Water” and “Protect the Plants” in the classrooms and school premises.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Grade 2

The unit 2 Transdisciplinary Theme “How we organise ourselves” allows students the Grade 2 students to investigate and explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities. Through, students’ observation, discussion, brainstorming, and reading of related literature, students understand the structure and function of organizations. It was wonderful and impressive to see how the Grade 2 students take part in the completion of the Community recycled project which generated a level of enthusiasm among students. Keep it up Grade 2 students!

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang

IB Teacher – Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

The second unit of grade 3 is “How we express ourselves” with the central idea of how we discover and express our ideas and emotion that focus on developing ways to express emotions and ideas through creative writing. Students had an activity to make mailboxes to help those who have not yet dared to share verbally can share their feelings with teachers and friends through writing letters, thereby understanding each other better and working together more effectively. In addition, students also tried to write books with three genres of their choice: Story, Poetry, and Diary.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Huynh Thi Kim Ngoc

IB Teacher – Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

How do you express yourself? That’s the problem 4th graders have been working on for six weeks. Paintings, videos, stories, poetries, and presenting in Show&Tell sessions are ways for them to express their cultural discoveries.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Doan Thi Huynh Hanh

IB Teacher – Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

Grade 5 students are in the deeper inquiry stage of Unit of Inquiry 2 titled “Where we are in place and time” with the central idea “Exploring the world leads to changes over time”. Some of the contents covered in this unit are migration and its effects on the economies of three countries: Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The students discussed and learned about the changes that migration has affected the country over time. After that, they began to research and choose the necessary information, used it for their essays, and created architectural and culinary products. Entering the Going further stage by visiting the Ho Chi Minh City Museum of History, which keeps relics along the history of the country and some antiques of Southeast Asian countries, they will better understand the research process in the program.

Finally, enter the preparation stage for the unit 2 final exhibition in sequence: deep question-answer to exploit and critique the knowledge that the students have learned, transcode the QR code of the essays as well as Khmer dance, composing invitations for 4th and 6th-grade students, making evaluation sheets to choose products, practicing individual presentations, etc. Through a series of activities, the students have matured and developed in-depth subject knowledge and 21st-century learning skills in research, information processing, critical thinking, etc. The exhibition closed on Friday, 11 November, and the participation of 5th graders and some teachers. Next week, they will hold an Assembly for their teachers on the occasion of Vietnamese Teacher’s Day with a series of exciting games and activities. We will wait and see.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Alexander Gordillo

IB Teacher – EAL

Dear Parents and Members of the Tesla School Community,

Even though we had a week-long vacation, it’s been a busy time at Tesla School for EAL! We have had a wonderful time working with students in and out of the classroom. We are on path to building a community understanding of what it takes to be a truly international student with education as a key to unlock opportunities all over the world! We have also had field trips to a The Museum of History in Ho Chi Minh City, various assemblies for each grade, and a plastic recycling campaign that is on-going. Below are some of the learning activities that have taken place in the EAL classroom.

EAL PYP Update

Grade 3 – I recently took over this class from Mr. Carlos and we have been reviewing some of the basics such as mastering the alphabet, the numbers (from 1-50), phonics/pronunciation exercises, and the elements of stories. From worksheets to concepts, to speaking, to singing, we are busy establishing a foundation for basic English vocabulary and fluency. As for reading, we extend a warm congratulations to Luan for winning October’s RazKids Reading Competition in Grade 3! Although English fluency continues to be a challenge for many students, we have moved beyond the language of words, to the language of caring. Each student deserves a path to learn and grow and together we will succeed!

Grade 4 – Unit 2: How we express ourselves was special. Students learned over 15 different forms of cultural expressions while learning about Vietnamese culture. These included paintings, traditional dances in Mai Chau, mythical stories, different types of writing, and did our own expressions of appreciation for summatives. We even did a nature walk inside our campus to discover how even the smallest observation leads to new curiosities and knowledge. As for reading, we extend a warm congratulations to Khanh Ly for winning October’s RazKids Reading Competition for Grade 4!

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Grade 5 – It was a busy time for Grade 5. As part of building students’ learning character, students completed one of our Checklists for Success: Self-Management and Organization where they reflected on how well prepared they are for classes and what small steps they can take at home to help them organize themselves better. Students have also been learning organizing concepts that will help their reading, speaking and writing, including Main Idea vs. Details and Cause and Effect to aid their summative assessment on modern migration in South East Asia. As for reading, we extend a warm congratulations to Thien Bao (Nathan) for winning October’s RazKids Reading Competition for Grade 5 and to The Anh (Tom) for winning the Best Reader Award in the whole school!

Please feel free to send me an email directly to: alexander.gordillo@tesla.edu.vn

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Brandon Williams

IB Teacher – ATL

The Recycle and Upcycle ASA (After School Activity) team have been collecting and sorting out plastic. The plastic is used for craft projects during the ASA and any excess plastic is sent to PLASTICPeople’s factory for processing into upcycled plastic boards (to create new products). Students and families can help by rinsing, drying, sorting, and then sending their plastic to school. Students will also receive points (individual, class, and house) for each bag of plastic waste they bring to school! – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Le Minh Anh

IB Teacher – Science

In unit 2, Grade 2 students explored the properties of materials and matter! They described and classify different types of materials by properties like hardness, flexibility, and absorbency, and they investigated how those properties are useful in meeting basic human needs (such as clothing and cooking). They also investigated how heating and cooling affect the properties of materials.

Grade 3 students researched about circle of life, discovered how plants reproduce by exploring the process of pollination and fruiting. They also investigated how plant traits are inherited from parent plants, and how favorable plant traits can be enhanced by humans via artificial selection.

Grade 4 students learned that some substances are gases, the particle model of matter for solids, liquids and gases. They investigated the properties of water, measured temperature, identify safety risks in an investigation and work safely. Students learned about the water cycle and observed the movement of water through the different stages of the water cycle and determined what drives the water cycle.

Grade 5 students investigated the properties of matter by dissolving everyday chemicals to make solutions and by exploring simple yet surprising chemical reactions. Through these investigations, students began to build conceptual models for the particulate nature of matter.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Do Trung Hoc

IB Teacher – ICT

In this term, students were encouraged to apply knowledge of different subjects to solve real-life situations and enhance their ability to apply synthesis, self-study, and self-research abilities.

ICT: KG learned about keyboard layout.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
ICT: KG worked as a group in a 10-finger typing lesson.
Tesla Talk November, 2022
ICT: Grade 2 students practiced typing with 10 fingers.

Vietnamese and ICT: Grade 3 learned about the layout of the document.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Science, ICT, PE, and Art: Grade 4 used the interactive whiteboard and YouTube in their lesson on the water cycle.
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Science, ICT, PE, and Art: Grade 4 students made a film about the water cycle.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Vietnamese, ICT, Art, and PE: Grade 5 students designed features of architecture, costumes, and cuisine of three Indochina countries.
Tesla Talk November, 2022
ASA: Cooking - Students practice boiling eggs and peeling eggs.
Tesla Talk November, 2022
ASA: Digital Painting - Phu Quy (Grade 2) practiced drawing on the computer.
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Ngo Thuy Khuyen

IB Teacher – Math

Tired of hearing groans when students are announced it’s time for Math? Jigsaw puzzle and shape pattern block will spice up students’ learning. Fourth graders study how to read and write numbers through hundred thousands in standard form, word form, and expanded form. We also review periods in a place-value chart, and how each period contains hundreds, tens, and ones. For geometry, we study the name and how to describe some common 2D shape properties. Here are some pictures of our lessons:

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Nguyen Thi Quynh Dien

IB Teacher – Art

In 6 weeks, G5 students have worked on the thematic topic “Migration” in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, in which Art collaborated with ICT and Social Studies. Students had a chance to work in groups to research and produce 3D work. They were excited to create the traditional food, clothes, and famous architecture of each country, showing their understanding and knowledge of what they have learned. Grade 5 students chose to organize an exhibition at the end, and each student talked about their products related to the migration of the countries they chose to present.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Pham Ngoc Hai Dang

IB Teacher – Music

In the current unit, the students had an exciting time experiencing music activities together.

With unit 2, KG, grade 1 and grade 2 students all learned songs and music theory knowledge appropriate to their age such as: “We All Go Traveling By, The Earth Turns, Community Helpers”.

Students in grades 4 and 5 continue to practice playing recorders at a more difficult level, requiring more concentration and persistence. The 4th graders also had the opportunity to try writing new lyrics to the song they learned in the unit “How we Express Ourselves”.

In addition, grades 3 and 6 students tried creating their rhythm patterns. With the theme “Where we are in place and time”, students practiced singing and dancing with Chim Sao – a Khmer folk song. Thereby, they have more knowledge about the culture and music of the ethnic groups in Vietnam.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Do Su

IB Teacher – PE

In addition to sports such as swimming, football, and basketball, students at Tesla also practice with various exercises to help focus on physical development and height such as jumping, endurance running, and jumping rope, Tug-of-war.

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022


Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Angela Baker

IB MYP Coordinator

The Grade 6 students have been focusing on the interactions and relationships that human societies have with their physical environment through the lens of Geography. We began by examining different types of maps and how they help us understand how the world has changed over time. We then turned our attention to the locations of the Ancient River Civilizations and why they emerged where they did. The students also investigated the five themes of geography, migration’s push and pull factors, and how we can interact positively and negatively with our physical environment. We tied our Service Learning to the unit by positively interacting with our environment by picking up trash and recycling around the school’s exterior. We reflected on the activity related to our unit of study and what we can do to continue to help our local environment at Tesla. We have also created two service learning projects focusing on animal rights and helping the environment in Vietnam. More information to come in the next couple of weeks.

In closing, I would like to thank you for coming to Parent-Teacher Conferences last week, and please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Alexander Gordillo

IB Teacher – EAL

EAL MYP Update

We witnessed remarkable progress in student performance in the last 6 weeks. We challenged students to take risks and get out of their comfort zone and fortunately, students have accepted that challenge. Starting with our Self-Management Checklist, students reflected on their learning style, strengths, and areas of improvement. Next, students did an EAL exam that included each of the four English skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. For the speaking part of the exam, students described their morning routine, using discourse indicators. Additionally, students have been learning new grammar structures via simple and compound sentences, which they can use in their speaking and writing. Outside of the classroom, we have a daily football match where students get to try hard and push beyond their limit. Team spirit is strong with Grade 6th!

We are now focused on describing another part of our lives: Our Neighborhood. Students are getting ready to do a detailed presentation to describe at least 100 places in their community, starting with our own home. Feel free to ask students any of the above activities as students learn new vocabulary and new skills.

As always, please feel free to send me an email directly to: alexander.gordillo@tesla.edu.vn

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Soccer Madness ⚽️🥅
Tesla Talk November, 2022
Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Do Trung Hoc

IB Teacher – MYP Design and IT

Tesla Talk November, 2022
Design: Grade 6 learned about first aid through simulation games.

Design: Grade 6 students designed objects that symbolize Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Truong Thi Thu Thao

IB Teacher – Civics

Civics is a science that helps students become good citizens. Studying civics will help them form and adjust their behavior under social and ethical standards, contributing to creating a good personality.

In civics lessons, students always discover, analyze, exploit, process information, and apply practical situations associated with the surrounding life. At the same time, students can also see photos, videos, and stories about typical role models equivalent to each lesson. As a result, helping them meet their personal development needs and form positive qualities for future citizens.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Mr Nguyen Kieu Quoc Bao

IB Teacher – PE

Grade 6 students have been practicing their swimming skills and learning water survival skills through swimming lessons. They learned backstroke and crawl techniques, water-treading, and floating skills. The main goal is to help them understand survival and safety skills in the water and ensure their safety when falling into dangerous situations.

Besides, students also get some physical exercises to develop strength, speed, and flexibility in badminton that grade 6 students are interested in learning.

Tesla Talk November, 2022

Ms Thach Thi Le Thu

IB Teacher – Librarian

Learning Resource Center

In Tesla, who uses Learning Resource Center (LRC) besides students and staff? – The answer is Parents/Grandparents!

Students are welcome to visit the library for reading and book exchange during scheduled library classes and break times (morning and afternoon).

If you could arrange the time, you would visit LRC during school time, or after school from 3:45 – 4:30 pm. In Parent – Student Handbook, you may know that parents can borrow through their child’s barcode and have the same borrowing period.

The LRC’s program and resources are designed to support the curriculum and recreational needs. During scheduled library classes, students have been learning about the library and research skills. Lessons for all graders have been working towards building responsible library users with a love of reading and a passion for lifelong learning.

Over 100 new titles arrived in November. Students and teachers enjoy reading and borrowing. Welcome you come to borrow or enjoy reading with your child.

Best Regards,

Ms. Thu
Teacher Librarian

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