Tesla Talk December, 2021

Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies
Newsletter 31 December, 2021
Dear Tesla Families,
As the 2021 calendar year comes to a close I would like to thank the entire community for their patience, resilience, and dedication to prioritizing the student learning experience throughout the first semester. Although the HCMC government has not provided a definitive date for students returning to campus, it does appear things are moving in the right direction. I am cautiously optimistic that we will be transitioning back to a more normal academic schedule in the near future and truly look forward to seeing those young, smiling faces back on campus where they belong.
Balancing the Tesla online academic program with personal and professional obligations has been extremely challenging for our parent/guardian community and I have been incredibly impressed with your perseverance. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to make the best of the situation and the continued collaborative efforts you have made to ensure the children’s well-being, both emotionally and academically, are our primary focus.
Beginning the year online was a first for our staff and their enthusiasm for overcoming the challenges of the digital environment needs to be acknowledged. Developing relationships through video conferencing and learning management systems is extremely demanding and the teachers should be proud of their dedication to building community in the classrooms. In addition, they have continually provided students with challenging units of inquiry and opportunities to discover new concepts through their commitment to cross-curricular collaboration despite the challenges of distance learning.
At the center of every institutional priority is the students and we all need to take some time to reflect on the learning experience they have had to endure since last spring. The social aspect of a school environment is imperative to a child’s development and our students have done their best to concentrate on academics while also communicating with their peers under difficult circumstances.
Hopefully, they will be able to enjoy the camaraderie of their friends on the Tesla campus in the near future.
I would also like to thank our academic leadership team that has continually provided support for the entire learning community. Our coordinators, academic assistants, and divisional heads have continually made themselves available to provide our students with the best possible learning experience.
Lastly, I would like to wish the entire Tesla community a Happy New Year as we turn the page on 2021 and lead into the 2022 Lunar New Year holiday. I hope everyone gets an opportunity to get some rest and enjoy family during the much-deserved holiday break beginning on January 22nd. Have fun and stay safe!
Kindest regards,
Tim Vanderpool
Director of Studies

Mr. Daniele Moretti
EAL English Teacher
The grade 3 students had the chance to present the research they did about the geography and the ethnic people of the central highlands in both English and Vietnamese. The grade 4’s on the other hand learned about the idea of self-expression and art: their final project involved them creating a blog about the coastal cities in the central regions of Vietnam for the purpose of promoting tourism. With the grade 5 students, we had them prepare for a debate as well as individual presentations covering the pros and cons of technology and the importance of digital citizenship.

Ms. Doan Thi Huynh Hanh
Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher
In the bustling atmosphere of the year-end festival season, the 5th graders had exciting activities to celebrate a peaceful Christmas. With these great activities, students had a chance to relax after stressful classes and practice the necessary skills of a global citizen.
- Making decorative wreaths: https://youtu.be/8SdGIM8D62Q
- Snowman Challenge: https://youtu.be/qC4UDoI2_ow

Ms. Huynh Thi Kim Ngoc
Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher
The 4th graders have just finished the transdisciplinary theme 3 – How we express ourselves on the Central Idea People communicate their ideas in various art forms.
They have studied many different art forms such as pictures, architecture, elegant music, pixel art.
They also know how the means of communication change over time, and how it helps people connect and express their thoughts and ideas.
They used Google Sites to write introductory articles to attract tourists back to the Central Coast Region of Vietnam after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Let’s take time to look at the products they have made, the qualities and skills that they have improved over the past seven weeks.
- Math – Pixel Art: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OBO3FS2N97u3tylDLYpMVk8Kbs8tefA8?usp=sharing
Google Site:
- Minh Dang: https://sites.google.com/tesla.edu.vn/batmanstourismproject/home
- Tran Khoi: https://sites.google.com/tesla.edu.vn/kyles-tourism-project/home
- Han Nghi: https://sites.google.com/tesla.edu.vn/emilies-tourism-project/your-tourism-blog
- Lam Khoi: https://sites.google.com/tesla.edu.vn/ovals-tourism-project/geography-of-central-vietnam-coast
- The Anh: https://sites.google.com/tesla.edu.vn/vietnam-tourism-project/architecture
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Ms. Le Minh Anh
Science Teacher
KG Students:
In Math, students learned about the patterns around us. They understood that a repeating pattern is a cyclical recurrence of a detectable core. The core is the shortest sequence of elements that repeat. Students made patterns with 2D shapes, with each row increasing in difficulty. Students understood yesterday, today, tomorrow.
In Science, students learned the circle of seasons. They made observations of the four classic seasons of the temperate zone: snowy winter, warm spring, hot summer, and cool autumn with colorful leaves. Students spot patterns and determine the order of the seasons.

Ms. Tran Thi Ngoc Trinh
Early Years Teacher
“Jingle Bells… Jingle Bells” the bell rang with the festive atmosphere of Christmas. The city is being changed into a sparkling new coat to welcome a great time of the year. Here, the students at Tesla are also very excited to greet an exciting holiday season with their teachers.
Wishing all the teachers, parents, and students a Merry Christmas with hope, happiness, and warmth.

Ms. Bui Thi Thu Thao
Early Years Teacher
Christmas has come along with the hustle and bustle of the last days of the year. Besides, the children are also very eager to receive gifts from Santa Claus and watch colorful Christmas trees, hang bells or listen to melodious Christmas songs. Along with that bustling atmosphere, students of Pioneers class, with the ingenuity of their beautiful hands, created Christmas tree products from simple materials – straws, paper, etc. We wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas.

Ms. Le Thi Phuong Dung
Early Years Teacher

Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc Linh
KG Homeroom Teacher

Ms. Dam Le Thuy Tien
Early Years Teacher
Now, it is time for parents to think about the long way ahead for their child’s educational pathway and decide to let them come along with IB Curriculum and become global citizens. With that in mind, Tesla Education Group offers The Education Savings Package and helps make it come true. This program will end on January 15, 2022, please register to participate now to receive a discount on tuition payment with the current schedule of fee 2021-2022, no annual tuition fee increase, up to 57% discount depending on the package.
There are 12 savings packages for different grade levels. Parents, please visit the link here for more information: https://tesla.edu.vn/en/admissions/education-saving-package/
The Tesla Admissions Office is happy to provide more details about the Education Savings Package. If you are interested in the program, please inquire to Tesla Admissions at admission@tesla.edu.vn for further advice.

Dear parents,
We are pleased to announce that Tesla will run a Virtual Open Day from 9:00 – 11:00 AM, 15/01/2022.
Prospective families are invited to join us for this exciting event, and we would be greatly appreciated if you can pass on this information to those who might be interested.
For more information, please visit the link: https://tesla.edu.vn/open-day.html
Kind regards.