Unlocking the potential of talented kids with the Integrated International Baccalaureate Program at Tesla
Tesla Education 2 Jun, 2023 3:32 pm
“Congratulations to the schoolforcreating a lifelonglearner”sharedformerparentsatTeslaEducation. Teslaoffers the IntegratedInternationalBaccalaureateProgramme in Tan Binh District (HCMC).
Build studying habits beyond the classroom
With the goal of developing the IB Learner Profile Attributes that are highly valued at prestigious universities, Tesla Primary Years Programme (PYP) focuses on developing Approach to Learning (ATL) skills for each student. Students’ achievement is not measured by scores or assessments but by developing the ability to think, communicate, collaborate, research, and organize themselves. While scores represent only results for the moment, to help students adapt and thrive in all environments, whether educational or social, appropriate learning methods play an important role.
Sara – a formerTeslastudentcurrentlystudyingabroad in NewZealand, wasawarded a co-sharedDuxposition, the highestscore in the school. HerSciencescoreisimpressive the top 10% forallofAustralia, NewZealand, andAsiaPacificstudents. “Onheraward, itnotedheraccomplishmentwasevenmorespecialasEnglishisnotherfirstlanguage” sharedMr. DavidWatson – Sara’sparent.
According to Ms. Pham Thi Hue – Sara’smother, the IntegratedInternationalBaccalaureateProgrammeatTeslaSchoolprovidedmychildrenwith a solidfoundationbeforebeingexposed to the learningjourney in a foreigncountry. Sarais “learnedhow to learn” insteadofbeingdeliveredknowledgepassively so thatshehasindependenceandinitiative in learning so asnot to be surprised in the newenvironment.
Sara and Maya with remarkable academic achievements after their first years at Tesla
Sara and her sister Maya – who also studied at Tesla – not only show excellent academic performance but are also talented in Drama. Passing more than 60 auditions, they landed the lead roles in Disney’s Newsies JR. Their parents are very grateful to Tesla for caring and encouraging students to develop their artistic talents on stage.
“The Early Years and Primary Years background at Tesla is helping Maya and Sara achieve great success as they now have the lead roles in Disney’s Newsies JR through self-expression and communication with their group. Tesla has laid the foundation for children to build their confidence and demeanor. This helps them a lot even when they are no longer at Tesla.” – Mr. David Watson shared.
In fact, the Integrated International Baccalaureate Programme has rigorous requirements for the holistic development of personal qualities. That’s why, besides learning inside the classroom, Tesla School also make a great investment to ensure that each student finds their passion and is successful.
The school's facilities can accommodate most sports and arts activities
Builtaccording to internationalstandards, TeslaSchoolprovidesfullfacilitiesforlearningandexperientialactivitiessuchas a multi-functionsportshall, footballfield, swimmingpool, Musicstudio, andVisualArtsstudio,... Fromthere, studentshave the opportunity to exploretheirownartisticabilitiessuchaspainting, singing, dancing, cooking, etc., orphysicalstrengtheningsubjects: Basketball, football, swimming, badminton, aerobics, etc.
No pressureonachievementsorscores, experience in manydifferentfieldsis an opportunityforlearners to confidentlyexpresstheirpersonality, andpracticeperseveranceandcreativity – twoof the fourcorevaluesof the school. At the sametime, with “HouseTeams” (Buffalo; Dragon; Tiger; Phoenix) helpstudentsregularlyimprovecommunicationandcooperationskills. Whenworking in groupswithpeersfromothergrades, studentslearn to respectindividualdifferencesandbuildteamwork, cooperation, andteamworkskills.
International integration and maintain Vietnamese identity
Integrated International Baccalaureate Programme at Tesla is a combination of the national curriculum and the IB framework. At Primary Years Programme (PYP), children study in a bilingual English-Vietnamese environment to ensure a solid foundation and balanced development. From there, they can easily progress to an environment where English is mostly used in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and proficiency in the Diploma Programme (DP) with full use of English.
Thisisalso the mosteffectivemethodforchildren to achievemultilingualism. Byallowingthem to regularlyusetheirmothertonguefrom a youngage, TeslaEducationalwaysremindsthem to appreciateVietnamese, especiallywhenEnglishgraduallybecomes a globaltrend. Comparedwith the monolingualeducationofmostinternationalschools, Teslahasbroughtnewhopeforglobalintegrationwhilepreserving the quintessenceofVietnam.
In addition, the IntegratedInternationalBaccalaureateProgrammeatTeslaalsofocusesoncultivatingglobalcitizens. The studentsparticipate in manyextra-curricularactivitiesandfieldtrips in Vietnamand the region, therebyunderstandingurgentglobalissuessuchassaltwaterintrusion, climatechange, andenvironmentalprotection,… With the visionandmissionoflearningcloselylinked to real-worldproblems, TeslaSchoolwantsstudents to soonform an analytical, critical, interested, andapplytheirknowledge to reallife, nurturing a globalmindsetforyounggenerations.
Field trips help students break through barriers to thinking and knowledge
Thanks to the flexibleeducationalframework, the IntegratedInternationalBaccalaureateProgrammeatTesladevelopsgenerationsofstudentswhomeetinternationalstandards, givingthem the opportunity to directlyenterworld-renowneduniversitieswith a prestigious IB degree. Notonlythat, they can bothstudyabroadand can choose to studyatleadinguniversities in Vietnamwithforeignaffiliateprogramssuchas the InternationalUniversityofVietnamNationalUniversity, Ho Chi Minh CityUniversityofTechnology, andOpenUniversity. Notonly a schoolwithinternationalstandards, butTeslaSchoolisalsoproud to be a place to discoverandnurturemanyinternationaltalentsright in Vietnam.
Learn more about the Integrated IB Programme at Tesla Education: HERE.