Surprising benefits of water play for children
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Playing with water not only keeps your child having fun, but you may be surprised to learn that water play has many substantial benefits in developing their senses and learning how the world works. However, parents usually prevent their children from playing in the water because of health concerns or fear of their children dirtying their clothes. The truth is that when children play with water, they receive many surprising benefits for their holistic development.
Water play activities help to develop and strengthen children’s motor skills
Most of the children love to play in the water. Children have more opportunities to exercise, be healthier and develop hand-eye coordination skills through splashing, spraying, chasing, etc. Children also expand their tactile experiences by sensing different textures and temperatures.

Explore Science and Math
Measuring, pouring in, pouring out, using objects of different sizes, etc., primarily introduces children to mathematical concepts such as more/less, big/small, and same/difference. In particular, playing with water by doing fun science experiments also helps children develop thinking skills when learning why or how such a phenomenon can happen. In the discovery process, children also need to be encouraged to think and judge for themselves to answer questions to develop problem-solving skills.

Language cultivation
Playing with water is also an exciting way for children to learn new words about objects or phenomena around them. Parents can create stories related to the game and ask questions to help their children practice speaking out their thoughts. It is a great way to interact with children while playing, helping them be confident in communication, memorizing, and imagination.
Develop social-emotional skills
Enjoying the joy of playing with water is an opportunity for children to release excess energy and spark curiosity. Children can also relieve stress and negative emotions when they express excitement and freely laugh when participating in water games. Social skills also develop as children learn to share toys and play spaces with friends, learn how to work in groups, and communicate with people. All are important in the way to shaping children’s personalities.

The surroundings and nature are like the children’s teachers. With water, children will learn numerous helpful lessons from their practical experiences, so they will love to explore the world even more. Therefore, outdoor activities, playing with mud and water, etc., are advantageous for children’s physical and mental development.

Lessons with water are always eagerly awaited by the children at Tesla Early Years Education. For the Early Years program, children under four years old will be familiar with water through games. From four years upwards, children not only exercise in the water but also learn to swim for survival. Equipping students with water survival skills at a very young age is a necessary goal in preventing children from drowning. With a balance between indoor and outdoor activities, Tesla Early Years Education facilitates children to learn, play, develop skills and nurture their souls the most naturally.