Bringing STEAM Education to Tesla
Parent Learning

Bringing STEAM Education to Tesla

Tesla Education 30 Jun, 2021 2:50 pm

Many education professionals have seen STEAM as an essential element of 21st-century education. In a constantly changing world, it is of the utmost importance that students prepare a foundation of knowledge and skills to solve problems on their own, understand information, know how to selectively absorb and self-evaluate. Enhancing those skills is also central to STEAM education.

What is STEAM and why is it important?

One popular example is STEAM education which denotes Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. The highlight of STEAM is the connection between these areas into reality. Experiments and practical activities take place regularly so that the children can discuss, draw their conclusions and thereby remember them more deeply.

STEAM education focuses on creating a lifelong interest in science and the arts in children from an early age. STEAM inspires students to think and solve problems with hands-on methods. Students have the opportunity to practice skills and improve knowledge throughout the process of project-based learning through exploring, collaborating, and connecting with practical problems.

Teaching methods in STEAM subjects always encourage students to ask questions, dare to accept challenges, and respect criticism, helping them to form an open-mindedness and multi-dimensional mindset when approaching problems.

Benefits of STEAM Education

Developing creativity

Students are encouraged to come up with original ideas and apply an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems.

Enhancing critical thinking

Critical thinking in children is formed in the process of absorbing concepts, analyzing, and evaluating information, observing, experiencing and reflecting. STEAM education encourages children to ask questions and solve problems by actively participating in debate.

Practicing teamwork skills

STEAM teaches children the importance of communication and leadership to achieve shared goals.

Improving communication skills

Teamwork in STEAM promotes discussion, communication, active listening, open thinking, and constructive feedback.

Mastering technology

STEAM teaches children the power of technology and inventions. Therefore, they will be ready to accept when they have access to modern technology instead of hesitating. This gives them a great advantage in the context of globalization.

Early career orientation

By letting children learn STEAM from a young age, they have early access to the world of technology and understand their abilities. That will be the driving force behind cultivating the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century.

Early access to science and technology helps Tesla students have skills in mastering technology devices

The letter “A” is an integral part of STEAM education

Art is the factor that promotes intellectual development and sublimation creativity. In educating students, equipping students with knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math is extremely important, but creativity is also essential.

Leonardo da Vinci said: “Study the science of art. Study the art of Science. Develop your senses – especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else” Indeed, the harmony between science and art will stimulate children’s creativity and analysis, facilitating the development of the capacity of both hemispheres of the brain.

When learning to make 3D house models, Tesla students have to apply a lot of knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to complete their work

STEAM Education at Tesla Education 

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics are similar fields of study in that they all involve the creative process and use a variety of interdisciplinary approaches to inquiry and discovery.

The project-based learning approach in STEAM education at the Tesla School creates a positive learning environment in which all students can participate and contribute. The combination of subjects is a comprehensive approach, helping students maximize the capacity of their brains.

The STEAM method of education at Tesla enables all students to participate in learning

If a limitation in the traditional educational method is the large gap between theory and practice, in STEAM education, students are equipped with necessary knowledge and skills related to learning and practicing science, technology, engineering, art, and math subjects. All are combined, integrated, and complemented each other, helping students not only master the knowledge but also practice and create real products, becoming creative people.

Regular practice helps children firmly grasp the knowledge and know-how to apply it in practice

In modern education as well as for STEAM, teachers are not only a provider of knowledge but also play a supporting and accompanying role with students. This method brings excitement, helps children actively interact in learning, stimulates exploration and discovery. Putting students at the center is giving students autonomy and self-determination, nurturing successful leaders in the future.

Tesla teachers play an important role in supporting student learning

With the rapid development of technology in the world, the demand for jobs related to STEAM fields is increasing, requiring education to have timely changes to meet the needs of society. Therefore, STEAM plays an increasingly important role in education, contributing to the creation of global citizens who are able to meet the demands of work in the modern world.