The first stage of the Tesla Summer Camp 2022

Unforgetable moments in the first stage of the Tesla Summer Camp 2022

Tesla Education 28 Jun, 2022 11:58 am

Tesla Summer Camp 2022 not only attracts Tesla students but also welcomes many friends from other schools. This is an opportunity for them to interact and expand their connections with their peers. 

“Self-Awareness” is the first stage of the “Summer Adventure Journey” for Primary students. Exploring to understand themselves will help students realize who they are, their strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, they learn to recognize and understand the meaning of emotions that exist within to know how to manage feelings effectively. 

Students explore the senses

One of the familiar topics in the “Self-Awareness” journey is the lesson on nutrients and building a healthy diet. To answer these questions, students learned about nutrients and food groups. They then designed a balanced meal as well as analyzed the nutritional value of each ingredient.

Finally, the children showed off their cooking skills with a competition between the two teams by building their own menus and making delicious and nutritious dishes. They not only understood the nutritional value of food, but also knew how to choose food to have a healthy body. That is also the important thing that Tesla wants the children to have in the “Knowing Yourself” stage of Summer Camp 2022.

Kids show off their cooking skills

Tesla students had a fascinating trip to a playground, and it is one of the exciting activities at Tesla Summer Camp 2022. Here, students are free to explore lots of games to improve their movement and thinking skills. Playing and learning activities will help children develop physically, enhance ingenuity, and unleash creativity.

Unforgetable moments in the first stage of the Tesla Summer Camp 2022
Students' joy at the playground

Understanding yourself is a long journey from which to build in children confidence, positivity in thinking, courage and maturity day by day.

To learn more about Tesla Summer Camp and register for your children, please contact the school for details! 

– Hotline: 098 494 8080 – 098 994 8080

– Messaging with Tesla School