Tesla Education’s Feature Profiles

Tesla Education’s Feature Profiles

Tesla Education 29 Dec, 2022 10:18 am

We are pleased to introduce Tesla Education’s Feature Profiles! These short monthly interviews will help you get to know members of our community not only as students but as individuals. 

In this month’s Feature Profile, meet a grade 5 student, who is finishing his 5th year in the PYP program at Tesla School. He recently won a national reading competition for earning the most reading stars in the Learning A-Z platform (you may learn more about the Raz-Kids Learning A-Z platform here). He read over 200 books and received over 120,000 reading stars, earning him the top score in the country. Read more about his passion for reading and take a look at a short clip of his interview below.

  1. When did you first discover a passion for reading?

When I was three years old, I developed a passion for reading books. The majority of my time was spent discovering new things. The first thing I noticed was when I went to the street, I usually noticed the signs. I asked my parents: “What is this sign for?” “How to say them?” etc. They also bought me many books.

  1. How did you develop your reading habits? Can you describe them?

My parents helped me to develop my reading habits. They said that your success comes from self-study, and self-study comes from reading books. I usually read books focusing on Geography, History, and Dcience. I have set a personal goal for myself to read a minimum number of books every week.

  1. What is your favorite genre of reading? Can you tell us more about this?

I’m interest in non-fiction books. I love doing Science and Maths since I was a small child. My parents bought a lot of these types of books. I also researched different places to learn on the internet like the Raz Kids A-Z app to about these genres.

  1. What do you think is the importance of reading at a young age?

As we know, reading helps us to have more information and knowledge. The sooner we start to read books, the more knowledge we can get. Secondly, reading books at a young age helps us to create good studying habits. If we don’t have time to read, we just can read one book per week.

  1. Do you prefer reading in English or Vietnamese and why?

I read both Vietnamese and English books. It doesn’t matter to me which language they are in. However, I believe that reading books in another language is always a good way to learn a foreign language. I get better and better every day because of it.

  1. What advice would you give younger readers?

I just want to share one thing: The sooner we start reading books at a young age, the more knowledge we can get. So why you don’t start a good habit right now?

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