Ngày hội Thể thao Trường Quốc tế Tesla 2022

Tesla Early Years Sports Day

Tesla Education 13 May, 2022 9:05 am

Faster, stronger, and more skillful, the students have created a vibrant and distinctly fun SPORTS DAY at TESLA EARLY YEARS EDUCATION. 

Tesla Early Years Sports Day

We organize the event annually to encourage students to practice physical training and sports, have a healthy and cohesive lifestyle, develop a teamwork spirit, and give them a fun day at school.

Four House Teams (Phoenix, Dragon, Tiger Buffalo) will be competing against each other during the day. Each game will be integrated with a sports component such as speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility, helping students develop movement scientifically and comprehensively combined with ten sports in the Multi-Sport program provided at the school. 

Tesla Early Years Sports Day

Let’s look back at the impressive moments at the Tesla Early Years Sports Day!