Summer Fun Day at Tesla Early Years Education

Summer Fun Day at Tesla Early Years Education

Tesla Education 6 Jul, 2022 4:48 pm

Last Saturday (July 2, 2022), a summer event for the little children – TESLA SUMMER FUN DAY brought parents and children great moments at Tesla Early Years Education in Phu Nhuan Campus.

Coming to the festival, the children participated in many interesting activities, both entertaining and increasing the connection between family members. Some outstanding activities for children on the festival are: learning to bake, doing nails, doing fun science experiments, building a house with geometry, Fishing games, etc. These fun activities help children learn more skills and absorb new knowledge in the most natural way.

This is also an opportunity for parents and children to directly visit the learning environment as well as learn about the educational program of Tesla Early Years Education. Questions about teaching and learning methods are also fully answered by the Admissions team. As a result, parents will have a more realistic view in choosing the right school for their child’s important first years of life.

Tesla Early Years Education applies the TESLA+M program for children from 18 months to 5 years old. TESLA+M creates opportunities for children to develop comprehensively through 6 areas, including: Technology and Science, English, Sports, Arts and Architecture, Math. Tesla Education applies the Project-based teaching method for Early Years in order to maximize the talents in children, encouraging them to explore, love and be active in learning. 

Parents, please register for your children to attend Tesla Summer Camp to enjoy a great summer:  

Or contact the Admissions Office immediately for detailed consultation: 

Hotline: 098 494 8080 

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