Moon Festival full of childhood memories with Tesla Early Years Education

Moon Festival full of childhood memories with Tesla Early Years Education

Tesla Education 13 Sep, 2022 3:17 pm

Dressed in their favorite costumes, the students of Tesla Early Years Education joined their friends, teachers and parents to celebrate the bustling “Moon Festival” with many memorable memories at the Phu Nhuan Campus. 

For Tesla students, the Moon Festival atmosphere had arrived more than two weeks before the festival. A series of activities had been carefully prepared together by the teachers and students to create the most memorable moments in the moon festival.

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 Everyone is excited in the bustling music and colorful festival space. The appearance of Ms. Hang and Uncle Cuoi made the festival even more jubilant. The students excitedly answered quizzes, participated in games and became more and more interested when playing and understanding more about the Moon Festival that they were attending. The festival became more and more exciting when the children gave everyone attractive musical performances.

Quiz with Ms. Hang and Uncle Cuoi

Children confident in their performance

In particular, the lion dance performance in the throbbing drums makes everyone excited and watching without blinking. However, the joy of Moon Festival would not be complete without the lantern parade. Holding glittering lanterns in their hands, the children followed in the footsteps of the lion, bringing the Moon Festival atmosphere to every corner of the street. The joy of the full moon day of August shines through every smile, every sparkling eyes and will become a beautiful memory in children’s childhood. The Moon Festival ended with serving out moon cakes and fruits The children shared and enjoyed moon cakes and fruits with friends.

The sound of lion dance drums stirs up a street corner

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Lantern parade with bright smiles

Moon Festival is not only an opportunity for children to have fun, but it also helps them become more confident and mature; develop communication skills, solidarity and more understanding of the traditional beauties of the people. Thank you very much Parents for joining Tesla Early Years Education students!