First PYP Exhibition at Tesla Education

First PYP Exhibition at Tesla Education

Tesla Education 23 May, 2022 9:28 am

A landmark event in the history of Tesla Education took place at the beginning of May 2022. It was the two-day International Baccalaureate PYP exhibition (for students in Grade 5) with the theme “Sharing the planet”, the exhibition marked the learning process of students in the IB Primary Years Programme. 

PYP Exhibition – Achievements of each IB PYP students 

The most unique aspect of the PYP Exhibition is that each student becomes a leader. Students can conduct projects independently, without the intervention of teachers or parents. This reflects their true understanding of their chosen missions and problems and demonstrates their skills in developing, conducting, evaluating, and presenting their findings of a study.

Triển lãm PYP Trường Quốc tế Tesla
Tesla students presenting their group project in the PYP Exhibition

It was a long journey where our students had to learn how to research their topics, organize their ideas, plan our their presentations, raise funds for their respective causes, and present their findings not only to their teachers, but the community at large. Grade 5 students were asked to reflect, synthesize, and apply what they had learned during their Primary years to share with the entire Tesla community. The PYP exhibition provides insight into collaborative research, assessment, and action based on the different perspectives of all Grade 5 students.

The process of inquiry shows how much students invested in their chosen problems

Our students were able to research, document, and present their understanding of social issues near and dear to their hearts such as the importance of animal rights and biodiversity in the animal world, the negative effects of climate change and the need to adopt clean energy sources, and the ways in which we can promote reforestation around the world. The exhibition was an opportunity for the students to present their knowledge, and at the same time demonstrate their skills of reflection, collaboration and practical action for both individuals and communities. They demonstrated the qualities of an IB student and demonstrated an understanding of what it means to be an independent, responsible and successful learner through their own efforts.

Tesla Grade 5 students donating to Animal Rescue Fund 

The success of the PYP Exhibition was also marked by the Grade 5 students giving the money they had raised to the Nam Cat Tien National Park Animal Rescue Center. Before that, the students had a memorable field trip to Nam Cat Tien and witnessed with their own eyes environmental issues as well as directly interviewed forest rangers, environmental scientists, etc. 

By forming study groups, the students demonstrated self-determination, close cooperation, and a shared desire to act in support of their communities and make the world a better place. Many unique products created by the students themselves were sold at the exhibition and the profits were donated to the Animal Rescue Center. 

First PYP Exhibition at Tesla Education
Grade 5 students donating to Animal Rescue Center

Impression of parents about Tesla PYP Exhibition 

During the PYP Exhibition, Tesla Education also had the opportunity to listen to special sharings from Parents. Witnessing the growth of students when they confidently presented their projects or expressed their views on actions and how to solve problems, we can feel that pride from their parents. Completing the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), preparing for the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) and becoming global citizens in the future, the students will certainly make a difference to our world.


The journey of study and experience throughout the years has helped Grade 5 students to absorb and successfully complete the values ​​and mission of the IB Primary Years Programme. They are fully developed in both knowledge and social and emotional skills to prepare well for the next level of education and to become global citizens in the future. The knowledge and skills learned in PYP are a solid foundation for students to write new pages on their learning path.