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10 Jan, 2022
With the desire to give parents the necessary information and develop an accurate perspective about the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP), Tesla Education will organize OPEN DAY with the theme “EXTENDING THE IB EXPERIENCE WITH MYP”.
27 Dec, 2021
This Christmas, Tesla Education was very excited to welcome many families to the "Wheel of Luck" event at Phu Nhuan Campus.
11 Dec, 2021
BUỔI HÒA NHẠC MÙA ĐÔNG TESLA với chủ đề “GIA ĐÌNH” đã được phát lại trực tiếp trên fanpage của Trường Tesla.
23 Oct, 2021
HALLOWEEN – October's Spirit Day took place with extreme fun and excitement during Tesla Education’s online Halloween festival.
13 Aug, 2020
EARLY YEARS PRIMARY TEACHER INQUIRY iBROCHURE In primary school, Tesla focuses on developing self-awareness for...